Electricity and "The Cave" chapter in Quran ذكر التيار الكهربي في القرآن الكريم
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DNA letters in Quran
Jeffrey Lang in Quran
Lars Vilks قصة مصرع المستهزيء لارش فيلكس من القرآن الكريم
نهائي كأس العرب من القرآن الكريم
Corona is mentioned in Quran.
Picture link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U-FAJRBHjXPKXkQhm-gXO5SvldrCIBid/view?usp=sharing
Picture link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U-FAJRBHjXPKXkQhm-gXO5SvldrCIBid/view?usp=sharing
Part 1 link:
Part 3 link:
Read also "Shinzo Abe":
Anwar Ibrahim and Wright brothers:
الآيات الكبرى 5 "جيمس كوك" “James Cook”
in Quran
This is the link for the PDF file of the post :
The clear
This is the link for the post:
And Say
“Yes for peace, tolerance and cooperation between all of the people from
different religions”
ستجد بهذه المدونة العديد من الدراسات باللغة
العربية ويمكنك قراءة كتاب لا يزال تحت الإعداد عن الدراسة
الرئيسية بهذه المدونة ستجده بمقال "ابراهام لنكولن في القرآن 2018"
الرئيسية بهذه المدونة ستجده بمقال "ابراهام لنكولن في القرآن 2018"
All of my own ideas and theories may be right or wrong
depending on the acceptance of trusted Muslims scholars
In my
last post I talked about the 2017 French presidential elections and I published
my post one day before the start of voting.
Refer to my post Macron vs Le Pen from “Quran”

And maybe you noticed that I showed the result of the elections that president “Macron” will cover and win by a percentage of 66.1 and almost 20.7 millions of votes
And in that old post about the French elections I talked too much about chapter 66 in “Quran” and I ended my post by the following:
I see that those who want to expect who will win in
this presidency race after few days, and to know the secrets of these
elections, they should try to understand my posts and the following verses:
And in
that old post about the French elections I talked in the beginning of the post
about “Mendel” the pioneer scientist in genetic and DNA science, and how he is
involved in all of these studies about the presidential elections
And in that old post about the French elections I talked also about the many indications which I found related to the dog, and the Dog Star “Sirius”
And before in 2014 I showed how I found this scientist “Mendel” in “The cave” chapter in “Quran” and how you find his accurate date of birth (20 / 7/ 1822) in a verse (18:22) which contains the highest mentioning for the dog in “Quran” ( remember the number of votes 20.7 millions)
And when we talk about “Mendel” the pioneer scientist in DNA and genetic science, it is logic to find him in these locations in “The cave” chapter, and since many years I explained in my study about “The cave” chapter how you find many indications for the DNA of the dog represented in his number of chromosomes.
Refer to
my post about “The Cave” chapter:
Now what about the first mentioning for the dog in “The cave” chapter:
18:18 And you would have thought them awake, while
they were asleep. And We turned them on their right and
on their left sides, and their dog stretching forth his two forelegs at the
entrance [of the Cave or in the space near to the entrance of the Cave
(as a guard at the gate)]. Had you looked at them, you would certainly have turned
back from them in flight, and would certainly have been filled with awe of
So you
can see the competition between the left parties
and the right parties, while the dog ( the follower of the good believers, and the
guard ) is stretching his arms as if he is asking the people to come to his
side and not to go to the left parties or to the right parties, and he is also
stretching his arms as if he is asking the people to move forward ( En marche )
And when we talk about the party of president Macron ( En marche ) i.e. the middle (moderate) parties (neither of the right nor the left) it is amazing to find that the two Arabic words which have the meaning “stretching forth his two forelegs” are located exactly in the middle (center) of the verse ( ten words before them and ten words after them):
And even the Arabic word
looking like the Arabic word
Which means: middle
( with only one
Arabic letter differs )
While the word is written in “Quran” with this
specific shape although Muslims used to write it and pronounce it in a
different shape:
And my
understanding for “Quran” about the symbol of “The dog” is that the dog is an
indication for the honest guard and the follower of the good believers, and it
is also a symbol for the fame and power like the Dog Star “Sirius” which is the
brightest star in the sky and it is rich in Iron (The symbol of power)
And I see also that the dog is a symbol for punishment carried out by the soldiers of the God, and it is mentioned in “The star” chapter in “Quran” that the God is the lord of “Sirius”
Muslims know the story of the man who rejected the message of Quran
after he listened to “The star” chapter, and he announced that he is not
believing in the lord of the star, and the prophet (PBUH) asked the God to send
one of his dogs for this man, and later a lion attacked this man although he
was guarded by his companions most of time
But the dog is also mentioned one time only in “Quran”
as a description for a man who knew the signs and miracles of the God but he
diverted away
And in my study about “The Cave” chapter in “Quran”
since seven years, I found the dog also is a symbol for the island which has
the shape of the dog on the map and which has the zero longitude line between
his stretched forth two forelegs, and under this area there are big caves, and
we have in “The Cave” chapter the highest rate in “Quran” of mentioning the sun
(and all the mentioning of it in the chapter is about its movement), and also
we have the highest rate of mentioning the dog, and also the highest rate of
mentioning the whale, and the chapter is also mentioning the Iron and mentioning
the severe punishment
And you can see an indication for the empire on which
the sun never sets and which has strong military forces, and an indication for
the theoretical movement of sun rays on the longitudes lines, and the
coordinates of “Madinah” and “Makkah” (21 to 22 latitude i.e. the number of
pairs of chromosomes for the whales, and 39 longitude i.e. the number of pairs
of chromosomes for the dog), and you have 39 words starting from the word “And
their dog” until you reach the word “Almadinah – The city”, and see that
chapter 22 (The pilgrimage) is from 78 verses and even the last verse in it
(78) is from 44 words (and there are some studies showing that the zero
longitude should be at “Makkah”), and soon you will see indications for the
longitude of “Makkah” and “Madinah” related to the French elections
So I see that the dog is giving also indications for longitudes
and indications for the severe power of military forces armed with advanced
technology weapons
Refer to
my study in the blog about “The Cave” chapter
http://abrahamlincolninquran.blogspot.ae/2013/01/life-in-numbers.htmlAnd I see that the bright star President Macron is a noble man although of some mistakes and wrong policies, and I see that he is the most moderate (as per the description which I found for him in “Quran”) among many presidents, and he is the honest guard for France, and he saved France from the extremist policies which are not good for the development of the country, and he can use his power for development and peace all over the world, and I hope he will not turn away
And those who elected president Macron proved that the majority of French people are not accepting insulting the prophets (peace be upon them) by some of the newspapers
And this proof came from their proper choice for a
noble president who is following and imitating
prophet Mohamed (PBUH) in some behaviors exactly like the noble follower of the good believers in the story of the
companions of the cave ( And you can see clearly that although both of the
companions of the cave and their follower are good but there is a big
difference in grade between the companions of the cave and their follower)
You can see that president Macron glory and start of his mission as France leader was at the age of almost 40 years old !!!!!!
And his birth date is related to number 12
And his work before presidency was related to trading
and finance !!!!!!
And he married a woman older than him and also she married before him, and this woman supported him and guided him too much until he became the president of France and they are still married and appearing together every where
They first met when he was a 15-years-old student and she is older than him by almost 25 years ( Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him married when he was 25 years old and his wife “khadijah” was older than him by 15 years, and she was a widow and she was the only wife for him for 25 years until her death at the age of 65, and he was very sad and depressed because of her death and he was always remembering her, and she supported him when he was 40 years old and angel Gabriel came to him and gave him the first words of “Quran”, and the prophet (PBUH) was very afraid but this great woman consulted her cousin and he told the prophet (PBUH) that he is the last prophet who is mentioned in bible and torah )
And you can also see that president Macron is adopting
the good values like caring of human rights, environment, refugees and woman
rights and he is adopting the policies of tolerance and the open doors
And watch his simple dress and his wife simple dress
during celebrating at “the arc de triomphe” and the little number of guards
around him ( prophet
Mohamed peace be upon him refused to have guards after The god informed him in
“Quran” that he will protect him 5:67 “….And Allah will protect you from the
people….” )
And watch president Macron behaviors with the people around him and see how he is a very simple man and he is always smiling for everybody
And see that he is not loosening his hand during shake
hands except when the other side loosening his hand
And before the start of the French elections I
recognized that this man have good chances to win and cover when I found that
this man is trying to follow and imitate prophet Mohamed (PBUH) in some
behaviors especially this point of marriage, and also when I remembered the
great miracle which I found in “Quran” about the marriage of “Abraham Lincoln”
and “Mary Todd” and that he covered her and how I found this coverage in
another location in “Quran” in “The Star” chapter related to punishment and
destruction of “Sodom” and this make me understand another meaning for the
coverage as the victory or the full control over the other side, and this great
miracle showed me clearly the result of the 2016 American presidency elections one
month before its start, and it showed me also that the marriage of prophet
Mohamed (PBUH) from the Coptic “Maria” was from the favors of the God for him
and confirmed that this woman was innocent.
So if president Macron is following the prophet (PBUH)
in some behaviors (and especially in this point of marriage) then he will
follow him also in the following:
66:1 O Prophet, why do you prohibit [yourself
from] what Allah has made lawful for you, seeking the approval of your wives?
And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
The above verse gave the prophet (PBUH) the permission
to continue his relation with his wife “Maria
al-Qibtiyya” (The Coptic Mary), because his wives felt jealous and asked him to
prohibit himself from this relation
And this verse made me recognize that president Macron
will win and he will follow the prophet (PBUH) in not prohibiting himself from
having the victory over Marine (Marine
Jean-Marie Le Pen) and he will be like the husband who has the control over his
But why “Marine Le Pen” is dancing after her
remarkable failure in the presidency elections while she should feel sad and
And in my old post about the French elections I talked about the meaning of the sequence of chapters:
64 (The mutual disillusion – or The mutual loss and
gain), 65 (The divorce), 66 (The prohibition), 67 (The dominion), 68 (The pen),
69 (The reality)
While you can see that the father “Le Pen” tried also
before many times to win in the presidency elections but he failed, and later
his daughter “Marine” also failed in 2017
And “Marine Le Pen” divorced two times (From Chauffory in 2000 and from Eric Lorio in 2006) and her parents also divorced before in 1987
So can you now understand the meaning behind this
chapters order (In our story): 64 (The mutual disillusion), 65 (The divorce),
66 (The prohibition), 67 (The dominion), 68 (The pen)
and 69 (The reality)?
And do we have here prohibition from the presidency
(The dominion) for this “Le Pen” family?!!!!
(And about the name “Le Pen” and “The Pen” chapter, If
you read my previous posts then maybe you noticed that I found in “The Pen”
chapter a clear indication for the name of the American president in French
language, while the indications in the chapter for the French elections were in
English language, and may be one of the meanings of the chapter name is the
indications for the different languages)
And you can read the end of “The prohibition” chapter
and the next verse in “The dominion” chapter:
And Mary, Imran's daughter, who guarded her chastity, so We breathed into her
of Our Spirit, and she confirmed the Words of her Lord and His Books, and
became one of the obedient.
67:1 Blessed is He in whose hands is the Kingdom and who has power over all things.
And may be the message here for “Marine” daughter of
“Le Pen” is to remember virgin “Mary” daughter of “Imran” (peace be upon them)
who protected herself and did not allow any man to beat her, and she also
believed in the words and the books of the God and she was one of the obedient
And may be the message also for the family of “Le Pen”
is that if you want the presidency (The dominion) then you have to reject these
wrong policies of racism, discrimination and hate and you have to adopt the
good policies of open doors, cooperation, tolerance and accepting the others (like
these policies of “Macron” and “Merkel”) and you have to follow the good and
noble values of prophets and virgin Mary (peace be upon them)
Now what about the subject of this post (L’Elysee)?
It was amazing to find that the initial final figures
announced for the number of votes are confirming that my theories and ideas
about the French elections were correct
Marine Le
Les résultats du
second tour de l‘élection présidentielle française ont révélé une poussée
inédite des bulletins blancs et nuls : Emmanuel Macron : 20,753,798 votes…
Valid Votes
Not Participated
Cast Votes: 35,467,172
Valid Votes: 31,397,916
Invalid Votes: 4,069,256
Voters: 47,568,588
Emmanuel MACRON 20,753,798
Marine LE PEN 10,644,118
More Info:
France: President, 7 May 2017
Marine Le Pen
National Front
Emmanuel Macron
Marche! (Forward!)
total votes
Latest update: 07.05.2017
23:49 (CTE)
Source: French Ministry of Interior - www.interieur.gouv.fr
And these results announced at the end of the day of
elections (May 7th 5/7), the day which I
found many indications for it in the study about the French elections, and also
it shows one of the atomic weights of iron 57 and also the number of
“Iron” chapter in “Quran”
And I explained before many times the many relations I
found between The Dog and The Iron in “The Cave” chapter in “Quran” and in many
other locations, and also I talked about The Dog star “Sirius” which is very
rich in Iron, and I talked also about the more indications I found for
scientist “Mendel” in “The Iron” chapter
So we have this number of votes for president Macron: 20753798
And I found a system in “Quran” to understand these big numbers and this system showed me many miracles before (maybe I will explain later some of them)
And the system is based on the fact that when you read
“Quran” and reach the final verse of it you go again to the first verse in
“Quran” as if you are going through endless cycles, same like electrons in
atoms, planets, stars, Muslims in their walking around Kaaba (Tawaf) etc
And we have 6236 verses in “Quran”, so this number 20753798 will give us :
3328.062540089801 cycles (20753798 / 6236 =
I.e. we have 3328 full cycles and 390
verses (390 = 0.062540089801 x 6236)
And this number 3328.062 has many meanings in my study about “The Star”
chapter the chapter which describes the fall of the star and it ends
by verse number 62 (the number of “The Friday” chapter is also 62)
And we found in “The Star” chapter the story which
happened in Good Friday (The memory in which prophet “Jesus” PBUH
raised up at the age of 33 years old) and at that day the end
of the star “Lincoln” happened when he fall on the theatre and he was the
leader of Republican Party which uses the elephant as its mascot, and the elephant
DNA is shaped in 28
pairs of chromosomes (28 is the key for this study and it is the
location of the word “DNA” in “The Star” chapter)
While after the 3328 full cycles we have a partial
cycle of 390 verses ( you will stop at verse 3:97 i.e. chapter 3 verse 97), and the total number of words of Quran for
this 390 verses is 7803 or 7804
words (based on the two methods of counting words)
So you have clear indications for The Dog which has 39
pairs of chromosomes and total of 78 chromosomes, and remember the many
indications in the study about the French elections for The Dog and that it
gave us the number 20.7 millions of votes
And the answer is: These numbers are giving more
indications and confirmations for the results:
7803 = 3 x 9 x 17 x 17
i.e. another indication for the number of pairs of chromosomes of The Dog (39) and
the year of elections 2017
7804 = 4 x 1951
and when anybody read this numbers he will directly think about a person
date of birth in April 1951 and he will automatically calculate his age which
is almost 66.1 years
old at the date of French elections in May 2017, and as you know this 66.1 is
the result of the elections for president Macron !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let’s have another confirmation by calculating how
many verses we will have when we move after verse number 390 in
“Quran” (3:97) until we reach the verse in “The Cave” chapter which mentioned The Dog and
which describes the competition between the left parties, right parties and the
moderate parties:
18:18 And you would have thought them awake, while
they were asleep. And We turned them on their right and
on their left sides, and their dog stretching forth his two forelegs at the
entrance [of the Cave or in the space near to the entrance of the Cave
(as a guard at the gate)]. Had you looked at them, you would certainly have
turned back from them in flight, and would certainly have been filled with awe
of them.
We will have 1768 verses i.e. indication for the location of
verse number 17 in
chapter 68 “The Pen”
which gave me all of the details about “Marine Le
Pen” and her name, her accurate date of birth on 5th of
August 1968 and her age in 2017
Refer to my post : Macron vs Le Pen from “Quran”
And even if we used the same system of “Quran” cycles with number of votes for “Marine Le Pen” 10644118 then we will have again an indication for this number 1768
10644118 / 6236 = 1706.88229634381
And see that the number of verses after verse 3:97
until you reach verse 66:1 (the verse from which we knew that
president Macron will win and cover and get 66.1%) is
4840 i.e.
121 x 5 x 8
As if it is saying that the 8th French president for the 5th French republican who is born on 12/21 will
have 66.1% of
And it saying also that he is born on 12/21 to
be the first president for France born after the establishment of the 5th French republican in 1958
(See a confirmation for this idea in number of words:
11 x 5857 and 2 x 13 x 2477, and remember that president Macron is
born in 1977, and also see that the last
mentioning of the dog in “Quran” was in verse 18:22 : “…say they were seven and
the dog being the eighth..”, and remember the dog as a symbol for the bright
star “Sirius” or the punishment and
power or the follower of believers or the diversion away and rejecting signs)
And if you read my old post about the French elections
then you will know that I always find the date of birth of president Macron in
the same shape i.e. by combining one of the similar numbers in month and day
But this number 4840
also can be an indication for both of date of births of “Le Pen” and
4840 is
121 x 5 x 8
“Le Pen” is born 5/8 (5th of August) and her age at
2017 is 48 or
49 years old
“Macron” is born on 12/21 and
his age on 2017 is 39 or 40 years old
(And if you again think about number of words: 11 x 5857 and 2 x 13 x 2477 then will you find also confirmations for
these ideas about date of births and date of elections 5/7)
While the understanding of both of date of births from
4840 is
equal to
121 x 5 x 8
is confirmed by the number of verses of “Quran” until
you reach verse number 18 in “The Cave” chapter (the verse which showed us the
competition between the different parties in French elections)
And this number is
Now after applying our system on total number of verses of “Quran”, what about applying the system on total number of chapters of Quran (114)?
In this case for president Macron number of votes you
will reach chapter 98 (The clear evidence – Al-Bayyinah), the chapter which
repeats mentioning “the clear evidence” for Christians and Jews:
98:1 Those who disbelieve from among the people of the Scripture (Jews
and Christians) and among the Polytheists, were not going to leave (their
disbelief) until there came to them clear evidence.
a Messenger from God, reciting pages purified,
Containing correct scriptures.
98:4 And those who were given the Book did not
become divided except after clear evidence had come to them
And regarding numbers you will find many of
indications including details about president Macron like his date of birth,
but now I want to understand why these repetition of “The
clear evidence” for Christians and Jews, especially when you find that
verse 3:97 (The verse which you reach when you
use the number of votes for president Macron based on total number of verses of
“Quran”) is also about “The clear signs”:
Say: Allah has spoken the truth, therefore follow the religion of Ibrahim, the
upright one; and he was not one of the polytheists.
Most surely the first house appointed for the people is the one at Bakkah,
blessed and a guidance for the nations.
3:97 In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim, and
whoever enters it shall be secure, and pilgrimage to the House is incumbent
upon the people for the sake of Allah, (upon) every one who is able to
undertake the journey to it; and whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is
Self-sufficient, above any need of the worlds.
Say: "O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Why do you reject
the Ayat of Allah (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations,
etc.) while Allah is Witness to what you do?"
Say: "O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Why do you stop
those who have believed, from the Path of Allah, seeking to make it seem
crooked, while you (yourselves) are witnesses [to Muhammad SAW as a Messenger
of Allah and Islam (Allah's Religion, i.e. to worship none but Him Alone)]? And
Allah is not unaware of what you do."
Now why we are here in this location in “Quran”?
Let us read again the following verse:
3:96 Most surely the first house appointed for the people is the one at Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the nations.
What about this miraculous word:
is the one
was that
This is the first time to find this word in “Quran”,
and it is repeated four times only in “Quran” (3:96, 6:79, 12:42 and 33:37)
And directly before the first location for the word
you will find a verse confirming that prophet “Abraham” (PBUH) was not one of
the polytheists, and after the last location for the word by little verses you
will find a verse confirming that prophet “Mohamed”
(PBUH) was not the father of any of your men,
and these words:
“was not”
repeated in both locations, and repeated many times in both of chapters 3 and 33, and they are also surrounding directly verse 33:37 before and after it:
Say: Allah has spoken the truth, therefore follow the religion of Ibrahim, the upright one; and he
was not one of the polytheists.
Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your
men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is
Allah , of all things, Knowing.
And this gives me a confirmation for my ideas and
theories about my studies that you cannot recognize the characteristics and
features of something except when you know the opposite to it, and for example
if somebody is born and live for all of his life in darkness
then he will not be able to understand and recognize the meaning of light, and you will not recognize the value of the sugar taste except if you tried the salty taste
And so when I found indications to the story of
“Abraham Lincoln” in “The Star” chapter in “Quran” (and how he gave the freedom
to slaves) I recognized later that although he was one of the remarkable
leaders in history but he did not give any rights to slaves, and he did not
consider them equal to white European people, and although he united USA again
but he did that through a horrible war which destroyed the economy, cities and
fields and resulted in hundreds of thousands of victims
And so I understood from “The Star” chapter that the
real “Abraham” (PBUH) is the one who did not turn away, and is the one who
really fulfilled his duties, and is the one who was clearly
a Muslim (people do not exactly know the religion of “Lincoln” and some people
considering him Christian, and some people say he was a Jewish, and even some
people believe that he was a Muslim)
And so I understood why I found the numbers of
“Lincoln” in “The Star” chapter and in the other locations in “Quran” which
repeating that prophet “Abraham” was not a Christian or Jewish but he was only
and clearly a Muslim, and may be the message is :
To understand the features, characteristics and the
value of prophet “Abraham” (PBUH) i.e. the real “Abraham” then you have to look
at another great “Abraham” (the fake one – the opposite in features) and
although both of them have the same name but there are very big differences
between them in the grade and features
Read the following verse in “The Star” chapter:
They are not but [mere] names you have named them - you and your forefathers -
for which Allah has sent down no authority. They follow not except assumption
and what [their] souls desire, and there has already come to them from their
Lord guidance.
And if a lot of Americans considered “Abraham Lincoln”
is like prophet “Jesus” (PBUH) and he was shot at “Good Friday” because of
their sins, and that prophet “Jesus” (PBUH) will bear their burdens, then they
have to read what is mentioned in “The Star” chapter related to the story:
And [of] Abraham, who
fulfilled [his obligations] -
Namely, that no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another;
And they have to understand that this story is showing
to them (Through the story of the actor “John Wilkes Booth” and the story of
“James William Boyed”) that prophet “Jesus” (PBUH) did not be killed (so he
will not bear their burdens) and the soldiers killed another man who looks like
prophet “Jesus” (PBUH)
Or “Abraham Lincoln” duty in life (even if he was not
aware that he is performing this duty) is to show for Christians that prophet
“Jesus” (PBUH) did not be killed and he will not bear their burdens, and to
show for the people the real characteristics and religion of prophet “Abraham”
(PBUH) by showing different and opposite characteristics
And regarding prophet “Mohamed” (PBUH), we have
nowadays and in history tens of millions of people who are carrying the same
name “Mohamed”, and some of them are good Muslims and some of them are not good
and very far from the great Islamic values.
And now you can understand the following verse:
Most surely the first house appointed for the people is the one at Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the
And the miraculous word:
was that
This word which is pronounced almost the same like the
And see that the verse is describing a house and saying that it is the first house (And this is also the first time to find this Arabic word which is almost pronounced “L’Elysee” in “Quran”)
And the house is described as appointed (placed) for
people (Muslims are not mentioned here)
And house is located at “Pakkah” (Why it is mentioned
here in “Quran” as “Pakkah” and not “Makka”
which is mentioned in another location in “Quran”?!!!! and what about the words
and letters surrounding our miraculous word
And the house is described as a blessed house (Élysée deriving
from Elysian Fields, the place of the
blessed dead in Greek mythology)
And the first and last locations for this miraculous
Is located in chapter 3 “The Family of Imran” (And remember what we found about the family of “Le Pen” and how they are very far from the values of the family of Imran) and chapter 33 (The parties – The combined forces)
But to know the difference between this house and the real blessed one in “Makka” you have to continue reading the verses:
In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim, and whoever enters
it shall be secure, and pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon the people
for the sake of Allah, (upon) every one who is able to undertake the journey to
it; and whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is Self-sufficient, above any
need of the worlds.
So the real first house at “Makka” is a blessed one,
and it is a guidance for nations, what about the other house?!!
In the real first house at “Makka” there are clear
signs, what about the other house?!!!
The real first house at “Makka” has the standing place
of prophet Abraham –PBUH- (and the Arabic word which has the meaning “standing
place” can be understood also as “grade”), what about the grade of the habitant
of the other house (of course his grade cannot be ever equal to the grade of a
prophet, but his grade maybe will be equal to the grade of “Abraham Lincoln” as
one of the remarkable presidents in history, because I found many relations
between them) ?!!
And whoever enters the real first house at “Makka” shall
be secured, what about the other house?
And it is must to visit the first house at “Makka” for
those who are able to undertake the journey to it, what about your house?
was that
In “The star” chapter about prophet “Abraham” (PBUH) which is the only location in “Quran” to find the word “Abraham” followed by the word “Who”, and this confirmed to me that we have indications to another story for a specific “Abraham”
Now what about the location of the verse which has the
miraculous word
was that
in its chapter an din “Quran”
Most surely the first house appointed for the people was that at Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the
We have 1848 words after the above verse until the end of the chapter, and we have 7768 words before that verse until the start of “Quran”
Ie we have the first time to appoint and use this house “L’Elysee” as the office of the French president in 1848, and we have the dates of birth of the last competitors to enter this house i.e. “Macron” (1977) and “Le Pen” (1968)
2 x 48
And this house is located
1848 is a multiple of the number 77 i.e. the date of birth
of president “Macron” (1977), and 1848 is also a multiple of
the number 66 i.e. the elections percentage result for president
“Macron” (66.1 %)
While 1848 is showing the date of birth of president “Macron”
in a system (I will talk about it soon):
1848 = 2 x 1x 12 x 77 (21 of December 1977)
Also you can see that the Arabic words:
Can be understood as “placed for people” so we have indication about the place (both of location and time) of this palace
And you can see also the logic behind the location of
the two numbers 1848 and 7768, so the date which can be shown fully
(1848) you will find it in the number of words in the chapter because it is the
smaller number, while the larger number (7768) which represents two dates (77
and 68) is shown in the number of words of “Quran”
While you can find indications for this numbers (77
and 68) in number of words of “Quran” until the verse in “The Star” chapter
which mentioned “Abraham” and gave us the story of “Abraham Lincoln” ( the
number is 68077 words )
And even the number of words of “Quran” until you reach the end of the description of the dog in verse number 18 in “The Cave” chapter (the verse which showed us the competition between the different parties in French elections) is 37768 words
(So when you reach the word “and their dog” you will have 37766 words i.e. you have the date of birth 77 and the elections result 66)
Maybe you remember what I said before in this blog about the mentioning of the greatest signs in “The Star” chapter in “Quran” (53:18), and how this verse is verse number 4802 in “Quran” i.e.
7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 2
And even the number of words of “The Star” chapter until this verse (53:18) is 74 words so you have more confirmations about this construction of the repetitive number seven related to number four
53:18 Indeed, he saw one of the greatest signs of his Lord.
While verse number 96 in chapter number 3 (which has this great sign about “L’Elysee” palace) gave us the coordinates of the palace in the number of the verse
96 = 48 x 02 (48 N, 2 E)
And the verse in “The Star” chapter about the greatest signs is verse number 4802 in “Quran”, and it showed us two times the construction of the repetitive number seven related to number four, and it is amazing to find that the word
was that
is word number 7774 in its chapter and it is showing also this construction of the repetitive number seven related to number four
And I showed before in this blog many indications to the miracle of the fall of “Lincoln” in that verse in “The Star” chapter (53:18) about the greatest signs, and one of them is the indications to the year 2018, 1439(Islamic) which will have the celebration of “al-mi’raj” (The ascending of the prophet to heavens which is described in “The Star” chapter) on 4/14 (14 of April, the date of the fall of “Lincoln”) 27/7 Islamic (27 of Rajab)
And maybe you noticed that this verse about the
greatest signs is showing clearly another one of the greatest signs in the
chapter regarding the fall of the star “Abraham Lincoln” on 1865 (1281 Islamic year) in the
number of words of “Quran” until you reach this verse
67893 = 53 x 1281
(67893 = number of “The Star” chapter 53 in which we found the story of the fall of the star “Abraham Lincoln”, multiplied by 1281 i.e. the Islamic year of the fall of “Abraham Lincoln” on 1865)
And as usual you will find many relations to the story of “Abraham Lincoln”, and here is one of them in the number of verses starting from verse (3:96) in which we found “L’Elysee” palace until verse (53:18) about the greatest signs
We have 4414 verses, which has many meanings about the story of the fall of “Lincoln” on 4/14, and how I found in my study this blog many meanings for number 44 related to this fall of “Lincoln”
And before we move to another point, let’s see one
more four sevens in our subject about “L’Elysee”:
The number of words of “Quran” after the two words:
Was that
at Pakkah
until the end of “Quran” is 69629 words
62629 = 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 29
See also that number of verses is 5848, and remember "Le Pen" who born on 5/8 (5th of August) and her age is 48 years old on 5/8 (8th of May 2017), and remember also the 5th French republican based on 1958, and the latitude 48 of “L’Elysee”
Now what about many events I showed before in this blog
from “The Cave” chapter depending on the number of chapter and the number of
verse (like 18:22 and the year 1822, 18:59, 18:61, 18:63, 18:65,…..)
And also what about the system which I talked many
times about it in this blog, and I showed the proof for it from “Quran”, and I
showed how this system gave the different characteristics of creatures like
Iron (atomic weight: 56, 57,…) and like whales (number of pairs of chromosomes:
21, 22)
And in this system you have two options:
You can count “The Opener” chapter in “Quran” when you
count the number of chapters or you can neglect counting it
And the same for every chapter you can count the
opener verse when you count the number of verses or you can neglect counting it
And I found that the system which shows the basic
characteristics of the creature is the system which based on not counting the
opener chapter and counting the opener verse (For example “The Iron chapter is
chapter 57 and “The iron” is mentioned in it in verse 25 so we have 56 and 26
as the famous atomic weight for Iron 56 and its unique atomic number 26)
Number of “The Cave” chapter is 17 or 18
And verse (18:21) in “The Cave” chapter will be (17:22)
So do we have here indications for the construction
date of “L’Elysee” palace on 1718 and the completion of its construction on 1722
Let’s see what is this verse 18:21 (which is verse 17:22 by applying the system which I described)?
This verse 18:21 is located in between the two verses in “The Cave” chapter which mentioned “The dog” (verses 18:18 and 18:22 in the chapter), and it is about two options:
The construction of a building or the
construction of a masjid (mosque) by those (from the people of
the city) who prevailed
18:21 And similarly, We caused them to be found that they [who found them] would know that the promise of Allah is truth and that of the Hour there is no doubt. [That was] when they disputed among themselves about their affair and [then] said, "Construct over them a structure. Their Lord is most knowing about them." Said those who prevailed in the matter, "We will surely take over them a masjid."
And regarding numbers there are a lot of them (like 1773 verses starting from 3:96 until 18:21, and the date 1773 of purchasing “L’Elysee” by one of the richest men in France to house his fabulous collection of great masters paintings) and you can search yourself to find many miracles and dates, but I am interested here in one of the greatest signs and clear evidences which is the location of the word “Structure – Building” from the end of its chapter which is word number:
Which looks like an Islamic year, and this Islamic
year is the year of the first time to appoint and use “L’Elysee” house as the office
of the French president on 1848
(Remember that we found this year also in chapter 3
verse 96 by the same system and by number of words from the end of the chapter,
and see also the logic to find it here in its Islamic date shape because the
verse is about both of a building and a masjid)
Let’s move to another great sign, so I talked about the first time to find this miraculous word in “Quran”:
is the one
was that
in verse 3:96, so what about the last time to find it?
The last time to find it is in verse 37 in “The
parties – The combined forces” chapter (chapter 33), and you will see that the
issues related to marriage is repeated many times in the chapter, and I showed
in my Arabic book about the study of “Lincoln” how you find accurate details
about the marriage of “Lincoln” and “Mary Todd” in this chapter
And the chapter also mentioned the marriage without
touching the wife (incomplete marriage) in verse number 49 , and after verse 49
you have a verse mentioning that the wives of the prophet (PBUH) are lawful for
him (and the last letter in this word “lawful” is letter number 1968 from the end of the
chapter as per android programs !!!!!)
Let’s read now the following verse (a verse from 48 words) which has the last time to find our
miraculous world which has the pronouncing of “L’Elysee”:
33:37 And (remember) when you said to him (Zaid bin Harithah radhiallahu'anhu the freed-slave of the Prophet SAW) on whom Allah has bestowed Grace (by guiding him to Islam) and you (O Muhammad SAW too) have done favour (by manumitting him) "Keep your wife to yourself, and fear Allah." But you did hide in yourself (i.e. what Allah has already made known to you that He will give her to you in marriage) that which Allah will make manifest, you did fear the people (i.e., Muhammad SAW married the divorced wife of his manumitted slave) whereas Allah had a better right that you should fear Him. So when Zaid had accomplished his desire from her (i.e. divorced her), We gave her to you in marriage, so that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the believers in respect of (the marriage of) the wives of their adopted sons when the latter have no desire to keep them (i.e. they have divorced them). And Allah's Command must be fulfilled.
So we have here another location in “Quran” in which
the prophet feels afraid to have his right in marriage (and here it is
mentioned clearly that he will marry a divorced
woman) but The God is informing him that it is lawful to marry and he should
not feel afraid of people, the same like our verse (66:1)
in “The prohibition” chapter which gave us the result of the French elections (66.1%):
66:1 O Prophet, why do you
prohibit [yourself from] what Allah has made lawful for you, seeking the
approval of your wives? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
And the big surprise here is the distance starting from the first verse 33:37 to the other verse 66:1 which is:
1661 verses i.e. you have
the elections result 66.1 in a symmetric shape,
or you have the elections result 66 percent in the middle of a symmetric shape number from left and right
(remember the middle parties which Macron is belonging to)
And this number 1660 is showing the
elections result (66.1%) in its shape and also in its factors
= 20 x 83
And this 20 x 83 looks like a date 2083, and the year 2083 will come after 66 years from the year of the French elections in 2017
So you may recognize now that the stories about the life of prophet Mohamed (PBUH) and his wives in “Quran” are not only just stories for Muslims to have regulations from them, but there are many miracles and stories behind these stories
And I just mentioned samples of the miracles and
numbers, because this study is over the power of one man, and I believe that
there are indications in “Quran” for a lot of events and persons in history,
current time and future, and I feel too much sad and depressed because I am busy
in life and work and I have very limited time for these studies, and even
during this short time I have limited abilities to enrich my studies with the
proper search and tools
31:27 And
if whatever trees upon the earth were pens and the sea [was ink], replenished
thereafter by seven [more] seas, the words of Allah would not be exhausted.
Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.
Now let’s end this post by one of the greatest signs and clear evidences which is really very amazing:
I showed some examples how you always find the date of
birth of president Macron in a specific shape, and see for example that the sum
of the numbers of the four verses which have the miraculous word
was that
is 254 (sum of 96, 79, 42 and 37) i.e.
2 x 127
Which as usual indication for 21/12/77, the date of birth of Macron
Is that because the year of being a president (2017)
is giving the numbers which representing his date of birth (2, 1 and 7), and
the date on which L’Elysee became the palace of the president 1848 is (2 x 12 x 77), and also his date of
birth 21/12 has the same numbers
of “Abraham Lincoln” date of birth 2/12 (12
of February)
Also you have direct before verse 3:96 (the verse which
has the first word showing the name of L’Elysee)
a description for prophet “Abraham” (PBUH) the
upright one, who was not one of the polytheists, and direct after verse 3:96
you have again mentioning the word “Abraham”
(The standing place of “Abraham”)
And it is amazing to find that we have 21 words from the word “Abraham” in verse 3:95 until you reach the word “Abraham” in verse 3:97, and the word which is showing the name of “L’Elysee” is located exactly in the middle of these 21 words, and it is also word number 12starting from word “Abraham” in verse 3:95 (again we have these numbers 21, 12 which show the date of birth of president “Macron” and president “Lincoln”)
(I put the Arabic verses in all of this post as
pictures because in my post about the 2016 American elections the Arabic verses
appeared in mixed words, and this happened may be because
of the word program version)
Also we have 1612 words in chapter 3 before you reach verse (3:95) about “Abraham” the upright one, who was not one of the polytheists
And this remind me about what I found in chapter 16 about “The Saturday” and the end of “Lincoln” on Saturday 15 of April, and the repetition in chapter 16 that prophet “Abraham” was not one of the polytheists :
16:120 Verily, Ibrahim (Abraham) was an Ummah (a leader having all the good righteous qualities), or a nation, obedient to Allah, Hanifa (i.e. to worship none but Allah), and he was not one of those who were Al-Mushrikun (polytheists, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, and those who joined partners with Allah).
16:121 [He was] grateful for His favors. Allah chose him and guided him to a straight path.
16:123 Then We revealed to you: Follow the faith of Ibrahim (Abraham), the upright one, and he was not of the polytheists.http://corpus.quran.com/translation.jsp?chapter=16&verse=123
Also we have 1612 words in chapter 3 before you reach verse (3:95) about “Abraham” the upright one, who was not one of the polytheists
And this remind me about what I found in chapter 16 about “The Saturday” and the end of “Lincoln” on Saturday 15 of April, and the repetition in chapter 16 that prophet “Abraham” was not one of the polytheists :
16:120 Verily, Ibrahim (Abraham) was an Ummah (a leader having all the good righteous qualities), or a nation, obedient to Allah, Hanifa (i.e. to worship none but Allah), and he was not one of those who were Al-Mushrikun (polytheists, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, and those who joined partners with Allah).
16:121 [He was] grateful for His favors. Allah chose him and guided him to a straight path.
16:122 And We gave him good in this world,
and indeed, in the Hereafter he will be among the righteous.

16:123 Then We revealed to you: Follow the faith of Ibrahim (Abraham), the upright one, and he was not of the polytheists.http://corpus.quran.com/translation.jsp?chapter=16&verse=123
We have four verses containing 39 words, and you can see indications for the date of birth of “Lincoln” on 122, and indications for the date of birth of Macron on 121, and remember what I repeated before about knowing the characteristics of prophets by showing other persons who have not the same characteristics, or who have only common names with prophets
You will find a system here, and starting from the
first word “Abraham” until you reach the last word “Abraham” you have 33 words
(prophet “Jesus” PBUH raised up at the age of 33 years old)
And the word “straight” at the end of verse 121 is located at the middle of these 33 words, so
it is word number 17 in these 33 words, and the next word to it
at the beginning of verse 122 “And We gave him” is word number 18 in these 33 words
(remember 1718 the construction date of L’Elysee, and the
numbers of “The Cave” chapter)
You can see this word “straight” at the middle of these 33 words
(remember “En marche – straight” from the middle parties which
president “Macron” is belonging to)
So what about the locations from the end of “Quran”
for these two words ( word “straight” and the next word to it “And We gave him” (which both have
specific locations in their verses give many meanings):
The locations for both of them from the end of “Quran”
are respectively:

And these numbers are showing clearly the date of end
of “Lincoln” at Saturday 15 of April (15/4) in a symmetric
pattern (41540), and the word “Saturday” is mentioned directly
on the next verse (16:123), while also the number of verses 4214 has many meanings about the story of the
end of “Lincoln” for those who read my blog
But the greatest miracle here is that these two
numbers 41540 and 41541 are giving the
accurate date of birth of president “Macron” and if you moved for only one
digit by addition or subtraction then you will lose the date:
= 1977 x
Ie = 1977 x 21.012
41541 = 1977 x 21.01213960546282
Ie = 1977 x 21.012
And date of birth of president “Macron” is:
1977 / 21
/ 12
And if you applied the system of the cycles of total
number of “Quran” verses on this large numbers you will have another surprise:
41540 / 6236 = 6.661321359846055
So you have 6 cycles and 0.661321359846055 partial cycle (remember
66.1 % the elections
result) which equal to 4124 verses, and the verse number 4124 in “Quran” is verse
number 66 (i.e. elections result
for president Macron) in chapter number 39 (number of pairs of chromosomes of the dog
which gave us the number of votes for president Macron as 20.7 millions of
votes as what I showed in this post)

And I see that this verse 39:66 is carrying a message
for the president (who should give thanks to The God for winning in the
elections) and his nation:
And it was already revealed to you and to those before you that if you should
associate [anything] with Allah , your work would surely become worthless, and
you would surely be among the losers."
39:66 Rather, worship [only] Allah and be among the grateful.
They have not appraised Allah with true appraisal, while the earth entirely
will be [within] His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be
folded in His right hand. Exalted is He and high above what they associate with
Part 2 of the post
(Coming soon if Allah
wills it)
The destiny and chapter 68 “The Pen”

2018 and next years expected events and chapter 18 “The Cave”
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