Thursday, January 31, 2013

Trump vs Hillary from "Quran"

All of my own ideas and theories may be right or wrong depending on the acceptance of trusted Muslims scholars  (02-Nov.-2016)       لقراءة مقالات باللغة العربية اذهب للمقالات بآخر المدونة 

Trump vs Hillary from “Quran”

In the beginning of 2013 I explained in my blog:
how I found this very great miracle about “Abraham Lincoln” when I noticed that the “donkey” and the “elephant” which are the animals mentioned in the start and the end of the famous night journey (Isra and Mi'raj) of the prophet (PBUH) are the mascots of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party

And during a part of this Journey (Ascending to heavens) the prophet (PBUH) talked about “Ears of elephant”, and this part of the journey is mentioned in “The star” chapter in “Quran”.

(….Al-Buraq was brought to me, and it was a white animal bigger than a donkey and smaller than a mule…..)
( …Then I was taken to Sidrat Al-Muntaha (the Lote tree beyond which none may pass), and its leaves were like the leaves ﴿earsof elephants and…)

 And the chapter has a unique Arabic word  DNA – دنا  which you can find it in “Quran” as an independent word only in “The star” chapter, and it is the word number 28 in the chapter, and 28 is the number of pairs of chromosomes for the “elephant” (and usually the technique to have a DNA sample from the “elephant” is taken from his ear).

And the number of the verses of “The star” chapter is 62 verses which is the total number of chromosomes of the “donkey”.

Then I found many indications for the “donkey” and the “elephant” in the chapter and even a hidden description for the elephant trunk, and a verse about a very powerful ancient nation called “Aad” but with numbering it “First Aad”

And I remembered some researches in “Quran” about USA that it may be the second very powerful nation (Now see that the campaign slogan of the Republican Party is “Make America Great Again” and they are using also “Make America Number One”) while the “elephant” is the mascot of the republican party.

Then I found in the chapter the following expression which makes you understand that some things may carry names which actually are not representing the features of these things, like those who have common names with prophets but there is a big gap between them and between prophets:

 These are only names given by yourselves and your fathers. God has not given them any authority.  …..”

And also the following expression about the knowledge of the future:

 “Does he have knowledge of the unseen, so he sees?”

And the chapter starts by mentioning the event of the fall of the star:

“By the Star when it goes down,(or vanishes).“

Then a big surprise was waiting for me in the following verses:

53:37  And of Abraham who fulfilled his engagements?-
53:38 That no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another
53:39 And that man shall have nothing but what he strives for-
53:40 And that his striving shall soon be seen-
53:41 And afterward he will be repaid for it with fullest payment;
53:42 And that to your Lord (Allah) is the End (Return of everything).
53:43 And that it is He who makes [one] laugh and weep
53:44  And that it is He who causes death and gives life

Do we have here indications of the story of the star “Abraham Lincoln” (The first president from the republican party)? that he fulfilled his duty by freeing the slaves so no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another, and every one shall have nothing but what he strives for, and the striving of “Abraham Lincoln” and the slaves gave its fruits, and after he completed his mission in life, the time of his end came while he was laughing during watching a comedy show on Good Friday, when “John” shot him and the laughter became weeping and the life became death.

And it was very amazing to find that the locations of the words and the verses gave tens of accurate dates and coordinates about the story of “Abraham Lincoln” and his companions, and I found many other proofs like “The elephant” chapter and “The Friday” chapter in “Quran”, and like one of recitations of “Quran” (Recitation of Hesham from Ibn Aamer) in which prophet Mohamed (PBUH) used to pronounce the word “Ibrahim” (the Arabic form of the word “Abraham”) as “Abraham” only in 33 locations in “Quran” and in the remaining locations it is pronounced as “Ibrahim”, and also the shape of the word “Ibrahim” in “Quran” is different starting from the word “Ibrahim” number 16 in “Quran” which is located in verse 33 chapter 2 about selection of Abraham, and the result of adding the numbers of these 16 verses is 1859 !!!!!!! (Refer to my post in this Blog about the religion of “Abraham Lincoln”).
·         إِبراهيم تقرأ من رواية هشام لفظ ( إِبراهيم ) في بعض المواضع بفتح الهاء وألف بعدها .

And the word “Abraham” in “The star” chapter is the word “Abraham” number 65 in “Quran”, and its verse is the verse number 60 in “Quran” which has the word “Abraham”, while the word order in its chapter is word number 256 (i.e. 16   by   16), and the order of the word from the end of the chapter is word number 105

And we know that “Abraham” was the president number 16 for USA is elected on 1860 and he died on 1865 (on 15 of April  i.e. the day number 105 in 1865) when “John” (who is born in Bel Air on 10-5 i.e. 10-May) shot him behind his left ear (remember “Ears of elephants” which is related to the end of Journey), and chapter number 105 in “Quran” is “The elephant” chapter which describes how the “Aba-Bel أبابيلbirds  were striking the companions of the elephant with stones of Sijjil.

(The Arabic word “Aba-Bel أبابيل“ can be understood as “Belonging to Bel”)

And some Muslims believe that the verses in “The star” chapter were about a very rich and powerful disbeliever called “Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah” (Although there is no name mentioned in the verses) who liked “Quran” so much and he described the words of “Quran” as the most precise and sweet words on the top of all of the words and that “Quran” cannot be the speech of human beings, but later (and because of his bad companions) he turned away and he thought that he can give money to someone to go to hell fire instead of him !!!!:

53:33 Have you seen the one who turned away

53:34 And gave a little and [then] refrained?

53:35 Is with him the knowledge of the unseen so that he sees?

53:36 Or has he not been informed of what was in the scriptures of Moses?

53:37 and Abraham, he who paid his debt in full?

And the first numbers I noticed in this discovery were pointing to this year 2016 (which contains most of the year 1437 in Islamic calendar), because the word “Abraham” is word number 256 (i.e. 16   by   16) in the chapter (“Abraham” was the president number 16 of USA), and the word is located in verse number 37 in chapter number 53 (53 = 37 + 16)

Now we have this number 256 (i.e. 16   by   16), and if we moved to the chapter number 16 starting from “The star” chapter we will be in “The pin” chapter, and let us read the verse number 16 in “The pin” chapter:

سَنَسِمُهُ عَلَى الْخُرْطُومِ
“We will brand him upon the snout.”

We have here this word “الْخُرْطُومِ” which is a unique word in “Quran” and it means

The trunk – The snout

And although there is no name mentioned here but some Muslims believe that this unique description (of the elephant trunk) is used to describe the same disbeliever “Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah” who was described before in “The star” chapter

But why we have this description of the elephant trunk for a human being?!!!

Also the Arabic sentence

 سنسمه على الخرطوم 

 can be understood (if it is out of “Quran”) as

We will name him on the Trunk” 

And with my little knowledge of French language (Why the French language???!!!!, we will see soon) I understood the name 

Donald Trump


DNA de la trompe

and the above sentence means:
DNA of the Trunk

and it was very amazing to find that I have to swap the two letters “D” and “L” to have more proper pronouncing for the name which is the same system I found before in one of the greatest discoveries in this study about “Mendel” the scientist who established the genetic science and DNA science in 1865 which is the same year of the end of “Abraham Lincoln”
(Refer to my posts about Mendel in this blog

 And I found all of the details about this scientist “Mendel” and his discovery, and I found that he is pointing to the story of the end of “Abraham Lincoln” and he is giving us the key (DNA analysis) to know if they killed “John Wilkes Booth” in 1865 or they Killed instead of him “James William Boyd” who looks like “John Wilkes Booth”

And I found the name “Mendel” with a similar system by hidden instructions in “The cave” chapter showing you how to swap the two letters “D” and “L” to find the name, supported by many data about him and even his name again without moving any letters in an expression meaning “No changer of his words” and its order in “The cave” chapter send you directly to the word DNA – دنا“ in “The star” chapter !!!!!!!

And I found the date of birth of “Mendel” is very clear in the chapter (20 July 1822), and remember the time of nomination of “Trump” for USA presidency during 2016 Republican National Convention (18-21 July 2016) which held in “Cleveland” (It is written in Arabic as “كليفلاند” which is a word containing all of the letters of the words “Elephant - فيل” and “DNA - دنا” in Arabic with a reversed order, while the 2016 democratic national convention held in “Philadelphia -فيلادلفيا ” which containing double of all of the letters of the word “Elephant - فيل” in Arabic, one word with a similar order and the other word with a different order)

Even in the verse of “The star” chapter which has the word  DNA – دنا  (the key for this study and the word which "Mendel" is pointing to it) you will find the same system:

" ثم دنا فتدلى "

“ Then he approached and came closer,”

So you have the letters of the name “Donald” but with swapping the two Arabic letters “ د ” and “ل  (in English they are D and L) to have the name “DNALD دنالد

And you have also the word DNA – دنا“ followed by a word containing all of the letters of the Arabic word “Elephant - فيل” (فتدلى), and those who know Arabic can easily find a hidden description for the elephant trunk from the above verse and the next verse to it (If these words are out of “Quran”), and how the upper jaw extended and elongated down to form a cover for the tusks, while you can see also that the eastern part of USA map looks like the head of an elephant his trunk end at Maine state and his tusks at Florida.

And I consider in my studies the Arabic letter “د” (“D”) as representing the iron, and I can understand many indications behind the number 256 (16 by 16) which made us move from “Abraham” to “Trump”, one of these indications is the mixing of the most two important numbers which identify the iron and you find indications for them in many locations in “Quran” (iron atomic number 26 and iron famous atomic weight 56) and iron is the symbol of power, torment, force and wars, so what we can understand from the returning back movement of this letter and the plans of “Trump” to make wars under the elephant party slogan “Make America Great Again”, while the elephant is another symbol for power and his trunk is the most powerful part in his body.

And the word “Abraham” in “The star” chapter is word number 256 (16 by 16) and it is located in verse number 37 , and we started from “The star” chapter and moved 16 chapters to reach “The pen” chapter and inside “The pen” chapter we found the name “The trunk” in verse number 16, and both of chapters indicated to the same rich man (“Al-Walid”) without mentioning his name, and in 2016 (1437) “Trump” wealth is US$3.7 billion, and his age is between 70 and 71 years, and the word “The trunk” is word number 71 in “The pen” chapter.

And “Trump” is born on 1946-June (46-6), and we have 466 verses after verse number 37 in “The star” chapter until you reach verse number 16 in “The pen” chapter
 ( 466 = { 62-37} + 55 + 78 + 96 + 29 + 22 + 24 + 13 + 14 + 11 + 11 + 18 + 12 + 12 + 30 + 16 ) !!!!!

And we have a similar system for the number of the days in the year starting after the date of birth of “Abraham Lincoln” 12-2 (12 of February) until you reach the date of birth of “Trump” 14-6 (14 of June), which are total of 122 days (122 = {28-12} + 31 + 30 + 31 + 14) i.e. you have again the date of birth “Abraham Lincoln”

So do we have here an indication that if “Donald Trump” became the president then we will have another “Abraham Lincoln” and hence another great civil war and hundreds of thousands of deaths and severe damage to USA industry and economy? , and that is why I have in “The star” chapter the expression “First Aad” about the very powerful nation destruction? , and this slogan “Make America Great Again” which will mean: Make great destruction to America again?, and the verses in “The star” chapter after the story of “Abraham Lincoln” are about the destruction of four nations, and even the verses in “The pen” chapter after the word “The trunk” are about the story of a garden turned into a barren desert because the owners of it were wrongdoers?

But again why we have the name of “Donald Trump” in French language?!!! And why the name of “The trunk” is mentioned in “The pen” chapter verse number 16 located on a distance of 16 chapters from “The star” chapter?

I found a system showing the events of the years 2010 to 2016 (and maybe to 2019) related to the numbers of the chapters of “Quran” starting from chapter 10 to chapter 16, and I noticed that one of the events in the year 2015 was about the French newspaper “Charlie Hebdo”, and the mockery cartoons about the prophet (PBUH), and so do we have here a message for those who are saying bad things about the prophet (PBUH)?,  and the message is in a chapter called “The pen” (Indication for the newspapers, cartoons and what is written)? and see that “The pen” chapter starts by:

68:1  Nun. By the pen and that which they write (therewith),

 68:2  You are not, [O Muhammad], by the favor of your Lord, a madman.

68:3 And indeed, for you is a reward uninterrupted.

68:4  And indeed, you are of a great moral character.

68:5  So you will see and they will see

68:6 Which of you is afflicted with madness.

68:7 Verily, your Lord knows better, who (among men) has gone astray from His Path, and He knows better those who are guided.

68:8 Then do not obey the deniers.

68:9 They wish that you should compromise (in religion out of courtesy) with them, so they (too) would compromise with you.

So if prophet “Mohamed” (PBUH) has great morals and you should respect him and you should not write bad things about him, then tell me who is the person who has bad morals? 

Soon we will continue reading the chapter to know, while the name is not mentioned in the chapter, but as I said before some Muslims believe that the verses are about the same famous disbeliever who we have his story in “The star” chapter (and the name is not mentioned also in “The star” chapter), and who was very rich, very powerful, has many sons and called “Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah”

And I am not saying that the following verses are about “Donald Trump”, and really I was not satisfied that some people accused him of sexual assaults without showing clear proofs, and I believe that “Donald Trump” like most of human beings have some good morals and some bad morals, but may be these verses are carrying a message for “Donald Trump” and asking him to listen to “Quran” and not to be like this bad man “Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah” who liked “Quran” but later he turned away, and he should know that some of the companions of the prophet (PBUH) weren't good before Islam, but after they became Muslims they have changed completely, and they have the higher grades in paradise:

 68:10 And do not obey every worthless habitual swearer

 68:11 A slanderer, going about with calumnies,

 68:12 (Habitually) hindering (all) good, transgressing beyond bounds, deep in sin,

68:13  Cruel, moreover, and an illegitimate pretender.

68:14 Because he has wealth and sons.

68:15 When Our verses are recited to him, he says, "Legends of the former peoples."

68:16 We will brand him upon the snout.

So I can say for “Donald Trump” make America great again by using your power and wealth to help poor people and to spread peace, love, tolerance, happiness and hope everywhere, and you know that Islam and almost all of Muslims reject violence, and most of violence is not coming from Muslims, and most of the victims of violence are Muslims, and there are hundreds of verses of “Quran” and speeches of the prophet (PBUH) ordering Muslims to live in peace with the others and to care of all of the creatures, and to be merciful even with enemies, while Muslims shared with the others in building USA to be today the most powerful country, and they want to live in peace and to cooperate with all of the other nations, and Muslims love prophet Moses (PBUH) and prophet  Jesus (PBUH) and his virgin mother, and they believe in Torah and Bible, and they believe in the return of prophet Jesus (PBUH), and they will be his soldiers.

My best wishes for you deeply from my heart that the God will guide you to the truth.

Now what about “Hillary Clinton” and the Democratic Party

Refer to my old posts in this blog

To know that after I found “Abraham Lincoln” in “The star” chapter I found his friend (and the main source of his major biography) “Noah Brooks” and I found indications for his date of birth (25 – October) and many data about his state (“Maine” state), like the accurate longitude border of his place of birth “Castine” 68  48  25

And I found many indications for “Mary Todd – Mary Lincoln” the wife of “Abraham Lincoln”, and the date of marriage 04-November-1842

And I noticed that I always find “Noah Brooks” and “Mary Lincoln” related to the end of “Abraham Lincoln”, and even “John” who shot “Abraham Lincoln” I found him through “Noah Brooks”

So is that because “Mary Lincoln” was beside him when “John” shot him, and “Noah Brooks” is the main source of his biography?

Or they have any relation with the conspiracy?

Or we have only indications for other stories and one of them is the 2016 election process in USA?

May be you noticed that the names “Mary Lincoln” and “Hillary Clinton” have a semi similar tone, and remember the expression in “The star” chapter:

“ They are not but [mere] names you have named them…”

And “Abraham Lincoln” the first president from the elephant party (Republican Party) suffered too much from his wife “Mary Lincoln” (and I find her always near of the locations which indicate to his end)

While “Hillary Clinton” is a big headache for “Donald Trump” and maybe she will become the president and put an end for his dreams to win.

Also I mentioned before that the word “Abraham” is the word number 105 from the end of “The star” chapter, and the end of the star “Abraham Lincoln” was on 15 of April  (i.e. the day number 105 in 1865) and he was killed by “John” (who is born in Bel Air on 10-5 i.e. 10-May) and “John” shot him behind his left ear (remember “Ears of elephants” which is related to the end of Journey), and chapter number 105 in “Quran” is “The elephant” chapter which describes how the “Aba-Bel أبابيلbirds  were striking the companions of the elephant with stones of Sijjil, while what is the meaning of “Aba-Bel أبابيل“? And I can understand one of its meaning as “belonging to Bel”.

But Hillary Clinton also is belonging to Bill, because she is the wife of Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton also born on 26 of October with one step difference of Noah Brooks who was born on 25 of October, and remember the number 256 (the location of the word “Abraham” in the star chapter) and what I said about the relation of this number with iron the symbol of force, fight and torment, and the indication of this number (256 = 16 by 16) to the president number 16 and also to the year 2016, and also the number 256 = 4 by 4 by 4 by 4, and explained before how it is related to the caliber of the weapon (0.44 inch) and the smoke (CO2 the motive force for the bullet) which have an atomic weight of 44 (the number of the smoke chapter)

And even the longitude which I found related to “Noah Brooks” birth (68 48 25) is also one step difference of the birth data of Hillary Clinton (69 47 26), because she is 69 years old (on this year 2016) and she is born on 1947 on 26 of October.

And may be a lot of you enjoyed too much watching their debates, and laugh on many comedy situations, when you feel as if they are like a husband and his wife (Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd) quarreling, because everyone of them has a different point of view of how to have a better life for their family.

Remember “The star” chapter:

53:43 And that it is He (Allah) Who makes (whom He wills) laugh, and makes (whom He wills) weep;
53:59 Then at this statement do you wonder?
53:60 And you laugh and do not weep
53:61 Wasting your time in vanities?
53:62 So prostrate yourselves before God and worship him.

And I noticed that there are many indications for the date of marriage of “Abraham Lincoln” and “Mary Todd”

So what is the relation between that and the date of election, and also the claims of cheating?

I showed since years in this blog tens of numbers from the locations of words and verses showing the accurate dates and coordinates related to the event of the end of “Abraham Lincoln” on “Ford” Theatre from “The star” chapter in holy “Quran”
Let us now see an example, and for those who do not believe in God, and those who are rejecting this study, can they give me a logical explanation for the following? :

The wife of “Abraham Lincoln” is called "Mary", and the name “Mary” is known in Arabic as “Maryam – مريم and it is mentioned in many locations in “Quran”, but do we have the word “Mary” in “Quran”?

The word is written in Arabic language as:


And if you searched for this combination of Arabic letters  مارى  in the same order you will find it only in two locations in “Quran”, the first location (“مارى ” in one word) is in "The star" chapter  (The chapter in which we found the story of the end of "Abraham Lincoln" when he was sitting beside his wife “Mary” in the theatre) , and the second location (“مارى ” in two words) is in “The Friday” chapter (“Abraham Lincoln” was shot on Good Friday, and I found in “The Friday” chapter the accurate date of that Good Friday) but let us now focus on the first location for the letters  مارى ” :
(You can write the first three letters of the word i.e.   مار   then start the search )

53:55  فَبِأَيِّ آلاء رَبِّكَ تَتَمَارَى

53:55 Then which of the favors of your Lord do you doubt?

So we have the two names “Abraham” and “Mary” (The husband and his wife) and see that we have in between of the two names a verse about marriage:
53:37 And [of]  Abraham , who fulfilled [his obligations] -
53:45 And that He creates the two mates - the male and female –
53:46 From a sperm-drop when it is emitted
53:55 Then which of the favors of your Lord do you doubt  (تَتَمَارَى) ?

But it is very amazing to find that we have another hidden indication for the marriage of “Abraham” and “Mary” because the verse (which contains the word "Mary" in Arabic) is preceded by the following verse:

غَشَّى  مَا   فَغَشَّهَا  
53:54  And covered them by that which He covered.

And the verse is about the abnormal sexual relations and the punishment of the God for the people of “Sodom” and “Gomorrah”, and it is preceded by “The overturned” which can give you an indication about the opposite to the abnormal sexual relations i.e. the normal relation between the wife and her husband, and those who read my blog know that this system gave us an amazing miracle about both of the enemy and the friend of “Abraham Lincoln” i.e. “John” and “Noah”

 But the above Arabic sentence
غَشَّى  مَا   فَغَشَّهَا  
 gives the meaning of marriage (if you read it as an independent sentence out of its location in "The star" chapter), and you can see that it is used in the following verse in “Quran” with similar words to give the meaning of marriage:  
هُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَحِدَةٍ وَجَعَلَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا لِيَسْكُنَ إِلَيْهَا فَلَمَّا تَغَشَّهَا حَمَلَتْ حَمْلاً خَفِيفًا فَمَرَّتْ بِهِ فَلَمَّا أَثْقَلَت دَّعَوَا اللَّهَ رَبَّهُمَا لَئِنْ ءاتَيْتَنَا صَلِحًا لَّنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الشَّكِرِينَ 

7:189 It is He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her. And when he covers her, she carries a light burden and continues therein. And when it becomes heavy, they both invoke Allah , their Lord, "If You should give us a good [child], we will surely be among the grateful."

 You can see also that both of the words  "cover - غشها "  in both of the verses are adjacent to the Arabic letters  "Ma - ما"  which can be an indication for the word  "Mary - مارى" , but the greatest miracle here is the number of verses starting from verse  7:189  (about covering the wife by her husband) until you reach verse  53:54 (which have similar words about the covering followed by the English word "Mary" in its Arabic letters shape) is  3696  verses and this number  3696  is the result of multiplying of:

2    by   4      by     11      by     42

i.e. we have the accurate   date of marriage  of  the  couples  "Abraham Lincoln"  and  "Mary Todd on   4  /  11  /  42   (4th of November 1842)

 (Use the above table of islamnoon site or use any program or count yourself here :   
                { 206 – 188} + 75 + 129 + 109 + 123 + 111 + 43 + 52 + 99 + 128 + 111 + 110 + 98 + 135 + 112 + 78 + 118 + 64 + 77 + 227 + 93 + 88 + 69 + 60 + 34 + 30 + 73 + 54 + 45 + 83 + 182 + 88 + 75 + 85 + 54 + 53 + 89 + 59 + 37 + 35 + 38 + 29 + 18 + 45 + 60 + 49 + 54 = 3696)

 And it is known that the numbers of four digits are 9000 numbers (from 1000 to 9999) but we have only very few numbers (I think they are two numbers only 3696 and 7392) among these 9000 numbers which are multiples of the result of multiplications of the numbers 2, 411 and 42

And we have also another confirmation for this great miracle you will find it in the verse preceding directly verse  7:189  i.e. verse 7:188 which its subject is about the knowledge of the unseen (the future):

7:188  Say, "I hold not for myself [the power of] benefit or harm, except what Allah has willed. And if I knew the unseen, I could have acquired much wealth, and no harm would have touched me. I am not except a warner and a bringer of good tidings to a people who believe."

And the above verse  (7:188  ) is verse number 1142  in holy “Quran”
 (1142 = 7 + 286 + 200 + 176 + 120 + 165 + 188)

 So you can read the date of marriage (1142) from left (11 _i.e. November_, year 42) and also from right (2 couples married on 4th of 11 _i.e. November_), and see the hidden indication for the century of the event in the verse number 188, and you also have 18 verses after verse 188 until the end of the chapter.

Now what about the second location for the Arabic letters of the word “مارى - Mary” in the same order:
It is located in “The Friday” chapter:

مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ حُمِّلُوا التَّوْرَاةَ ثُمَّ لَمْ يَحْمِلُوهَا كَمَثَلِ الْحِمَارِ يَحْمِلُ أَسْفَارًا  بِئْسَ مَثَلُ الْقَوْمِ الَّذِينَ كَذَّبُوا بِآيَتِ اللَّهِ  وَاللَّهُ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الظَّلِمِينَ

62:5 The example of those who were entrusted with the Torah and then did not take it on is like that of a donkey who carries volumes [of books]. Wretched is the example of the people who deny the signs of Allah. And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.

And you can see that the word (يَ مَارِ) is located in the expression “The donkey who carries” in “The Friday” chapter, and “Abraham Lincoln” was shot on Good Friday (But why the donkey which is the mascot of the Democratic Party?), and the donkey is mentioned in many shapes (like “the donkeys” and “your donkey”) in holy “Quran” but this is the only location to find it in this shape “The donkey” (“Friday” chapter is chapter number 62 and the total number of chromosomes of the donkey is 62 , and 62 is the number of the end verse of “The star” chapter, and 62 is the number of words of “The Friday” chapter until the end of the sentence “a donkey who carries volumes [of books].”).

And I think that the e-mails mistake of the Democratic Party candidate (which has “The donkey” mascot) cannot be compared to the mistakes of the other party (which has “The elephant” mascot), while how many mistakes of the other side did not be discovered? Or discovered and media did not focus on them? , And this e-mails mistake is nothing compared to denying the signs of the God and not following his books (Torah, Bible and Quran), and causing corruption on the earth, and I am afraid that if the Republican Party candidate won then there will be high possibilities for great wars in the world and a horrible civil war in USA similar to that which happened at the time of “Abraham Lincoln”.

 Let us have a short break with the above verse (62:5) which mentioned “The donkey” in “The Friday chapter:

The number of verses starting from the above verse (6:25) until you reach verse (7:188) about the knowledge of the unseen (verse number 1142 in “Quran” which gave us the date of marriage of “Abraham Lincoln”) is 4041 verses.

And using a unique system I found, the number 4041 will be 0414 i.e. (04/14 = April/14) the date of shooting “Abraham Lincoln” on Good Friday, and even the verse (62:5) 62:5 will be 256 i.e. we have the number 256 (number of the order of the word “Abraham” in “The star” chapter which gave us many indications about the end of “Abraham Lincoln”), and even the number 62 (The number of “Friday” chapter and also the number of the end verse of “The star” chapter will be 26, i.e. the atomic number of iron the symbol of force and fighting)
And this change of numbers is the system which gave me “John” who shot “Abraham Lincoln”, when I found the order of the word “Noah” in “The star” chapter is word number 0319 and
“Noah Brooks” died on 1903, and there are great doubts that “John” escaped to Oklahoma and died at the same year 1903, (and he was using the name  “David E George”)

So the number is guiding you and asking you to rearrange the letters of “Noah” (The friend of “Abraham Lincoln” to find the name of “John” (The enemy of “Abraham Lincoln”), and in “The star” chapter after the verse of the word “Noah” you have the word “OVERTURNED” as a clear indication for that system, and even in the verse of the word “Noah” you have “Noah aforetime” as another indication for the system, and both of the words “Noah” and “John” in Arabic have the same shape of letters but with a reverse order (In the original Arabic language in which the Quran is written before using the dots to identify the letters)

And even “John” escaped to a city called ENID and its original name was DINE, (he was shouting also in Latin language after he shot “Abraham”, which is the common language at the time of the last supper), and the verse which has the word “The Friday” in “The Friday” chapter (verse 62:9), is verse number 5186 in “Quran”, and by following the same system (system of 0319 and 1903) the number will be 1865 , and  the number of words of “Quran” until the end of that verse is 71447 (144 surrounded by 7 and 7) which will be 14477 (Remember Good Friday 14-4-1865), and if you still have doubts then see that the total number of verses of “Quran” is 6236 i.e. we have 1050 verses after verse (62:9) (which contains the word “The Friday” in “The Friday” chapter) until the last verse in “Quran”, while the number 105 gives you a lot of data about the story (as I mentioned before), because “Abraham” is the word number 105 from the end of “The star” chapter, and the end of the star “Abraham Lincoln” was on 15 of April  (i.e. the day number 105 in 1865) and he was killed by “John” (who is born in Bel Air on 10-5 i.e. 10-May) and “John” shot him behind his left ear (remember “Ears of elephants” which is related to the end of Journey), and chapter number 105 in “Quran” is “The elephant” chapter, the chapter which describes how the “Aba-Bel أبابيلbirds  were striking the companions of the elephant with stones of Sijjil.

Now you may also understand one of the reasons that the challenge in “Quran” is mentioned to produce a chapter like it, and it is mentioned also in another location to produce ten chapters like it, because in every chapter you will find endless number of miracles in all of the different fields, while you will find many related details for these miracles in the distances between the chapters:

2:23 And if you are in doubt as to that which We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like it and call on your witnesses besides Allah if you are truthful.
2:24 But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.
2:25 And give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens [in Paradise] beneath which rivers flow. Whenever they are provided with a provision of fruit therefrom, they will say, "This is what we were provided with before." And it is given to them in likeness. And they will have therein purified spouses, and they will abide therein eternally.

11:13 Or, do they say: He has forged it. Say: Then bring ten forged chapters like it and call upon whom you can besides Allah, if you are truthful.


And now regarding the presidential election, did you notice that the number 3696 (The number which gave us the accurate date of marriage of “Abraham Lincoln”) is the result of multiplication of  8  by 11 by 42

Do we have here an indication for the date of election on 8 of 11 (November)?!!

Let us study the verse which gave us this date:

غشى  ما   فغشها  
53:54 And covered them by that which He covered.

If I showed this Arabic word  فغشها  for any Arabic person and asked him what is the meaning of this word he will directly say: it means:
 And He cheated her
(Remember that the key for this study was an Arabic word have the same letters and pronouncing of DNA)

While the Arabic word   ما   can have many meanings among them the following:

But why these two letters “ما” (with this same order) are repeated in “The star” chapter 28 times i.e. the number of pairs of chromosomes of the elephant which was the key for this study?

While the Arabic word  غشى  can be understood as:

 Covered– won- govern- dominated

So for the expression:

 And He cheated her  فغشها “ (Generally if it is out of its location in “Quran”), the word “He” refers to whom?!!!!!!

And the word “her” refers to whom?!!!!

I see that the letter  And ف   in the sentence “And He cheated her فغشها “ may be the key to understand who will do the cheating? Because this Arabic letter is used to relate two events one happened after the other one in no time, and it differs than the Arabic letter “And و” which is used to relate two events one happened after the other one in a period of time.

And in “The star” chapter we have seven consecutive verses which start by “And و ” and after them we have our verse which starts by “And ف  !!!

While the Arabic letter “ ف - F ” is the first letter of the Arabic word  فيل - Elephant” !!!

And even for the expression:

غشى  ما   فغشها  
53:54 And covered them by that which He covered.

We have a similar expression in the same chapter:

إذ يغشى السدرة ما يغشى
53:16  When there covered the Lote Tree that which covered [it].

And this tree is the tree which the prophet (PBUH) described its leaves as they look like “Ears of elephants” and that was the key for all of this study, and the technique to have a DNA sample from the elephant is taken from his ears.

And even the Arabic word “إذا - when  is mentioned here in the same chapter:

53:45 And that He creates the two mates - the male and female –
53:46 From a sperm-drop when it is emitted
مِن نُّطْفَةٍ إِذَا تُمْنَى

And it gave me also indication to the marriage of “Abraham Lincoln” in 1842, because the number of words in the chapter starting from the word “Abraham” until you reach the word “when” in “when it is emitted” is 42 words.

And this tree (which is mentioned in “The star” chapter),  and described by the prophet (PBUH) that its leaves look like “Ears of elephant” made me find in “The star” chapter the Arabic word   دنا - DNA“ and it is the word number  28 in the chapter  i.e. the number of pairs of chromosomes of the elephant

 And the word “ دنا - DNA“ is followed by an Arabic word starts with the Arabic letter  ف - F ” and it even contains all of the Arabic letters of the Arabic word “ فيل - Elephant :

ثم دنا فتدلى
53:8 Then he approached and descended

And even the number of the letters of “The star” chapter from its beginning until you reach the end of verse number 8 is 105 letters (refer to my Arabic post about “Abraham Lincoln”), and 105 is the number of “The elephantchapter, and 105 is the date of birth (10 of May) of “John” who shot “Abraham Lincoln”, and 105 is the number of the words of “The star” chapter from its end until you reach the word “Abraham” in the chapter and the story of his end, and 105 is the number of the days from the start of year 1865 until 15 of April when “Abraham Lincoln” the first president from the republican party (which use the elephant mascot) died because “John” shot him behind his left ear, and remember “ears of elephants” which is the description of the leaves of a Lote-tree, and this tree is mentioned in the chapter in verse number 14 and it was described by the Arabic word “المنتهى, and the same word repeated again in verse number 42 and described the end of “Abrahm Lincoln”:

53:14 At the Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary –
53:42 And that to your Lord (Allah) is the End (Return of everything).

And the letter “ ف - F ” number 28 in “The star” chapter (28 is number of pairs of chromosomes of the elephant) is located in the following verse:

53:46 From a sperm-drop when it is emitted
مِن نُّطْفَةٍ إِذَا تُمْنَى
Search for  ف   in the whole chapter (press ctl + F and put ف in the search box) in the following site:

So from all of the above can we understand from the expression:

غشى  ما   فغشها  

What is happened already in the debate that the Republican Party (The elephant-Donald Trump) will accuse Hillary Clinton by cheating if he didn’t win in the election?

And can we understand also what is happened already regarding this issue of Hillary e-mails?

And do we have indications to the events of accusing Donald Trump of sexual assaults?

And can we expect what may happen in the future, that cheating may be expected and the one who will cheat may cover/win by cheating (while actually he did not cover the required votes for winning) and may not cover/win although of cheating?

Or…..Or….Or you can have many theories, but the proper understanding of the verses will give you the actual events.

Also in verse (53:54) the pronouncing of the word  فغشها  is  فَغَشَّاهَا   and if we have this word فَغَشَّاهَا   out of “Quran”, we can understand it as:

And they cheated her

But  they  here means (“Both of them”) i.e. it is indication for two, and I translated it as “they” because I do not know its meaning in English, Because in English language we have singular (for one) and plural (for more than one), but in Arabic we have singular (for one), muthanna (for two), and plural (for more than two).

While if the this sentence is not in “Quran”, and if an Arabic person listened to it

غشى  ما   فغشها  

 , he may understand it as:

They cheated herMa..They cheated (i.e. they cheated Ma).

The Arabic language is a very rich language and may be that is one of the reasons why the God chose this language to be the language of his last book for human beings before the Day of Judgment.

And maybe you will have these questions:

Is Hillary sure that the Democratic Party is serious enough in competition?

Is the elephant happy and preparing himself for the night of marriage?

Why I found in this study (In “The star” chapter) many stars and actors?

Also let us see what we have before verse 53:54:

وَالْمُؤْتَفِكَةَ أَهْوَىٰ   53:53
53:53 And the overturned towns He hurled down

And the word  الْمُؤْتَفِكَةَ  is a unique word in “Quran”, and its root is  افك , and this word has the meaning of lying and the diversion away of the right

While the word أَهْوَىٰ , can have also many meanings if it is out of “Quran”

And now let us see what we have after that verse:

فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكَ تَتَمَارَىٰ
53:55 Then which of the favors of your Lord do you doubt?

So do we have indication here that the Democratic Party will win and there will be less wars and troubles, and this will be a favor from the God? 

Or we have indication that many of the favors will be lost because of wars and troubles which are expected to happen if the Republican Party won? 

Or we have indication that when “The Republican Party” wins, USA will be internally too much busy because of the policies against women, immigrants, and African American people, and USA will not be able to give more support for Israel, or to make wars to satisfy Israel?

And why chapter number 16 in “Quran” is mentioning a lot of favors, and as I said before I found a system showing the events of the years starting from 2010, 2011, 2012 .….. related to the chapters number 10, 11, 12 ….?

And may be some of members of the Republican Party are thinking like that “They got more than enough, and they have governed for eight years, and they are satisfied by what they got and not expecting or willing for more, and we accepted to be governed by a man from African roots for eight years, and now it is our right and our turn to govern”

But the American people should remember the wars of the last Republican party president, and the civil war of the first Republican party president, and how much damage happened to the industry and economy of USA, and how the American people were fuel for useless wars just to satisfy Israel, while now most of the Muslim countries have good relations with Israel, And they are seeking for cooperation and permanent peace with almost zero conditions, and the previous policies of the republican party resulted in a big mess in the middle east and a flood of millions of refugees to Europe, and these wrong policies made all of the enemies of USA more powerful and seeking to control the middle east.

I have now an amazing surprise, that we have directly after ( غشى  ما   فغشها )
53:54 (And covered them by that which He covered.)

 the verse:
فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكَ تَتَمَارَىٰ

53:55 Then which of the favors of your Lord do you doubt?

And the verse starts by the word:


Which are exactly the same English letters, and exactly the same pronouncing of:


Then which of ?

فَ   بِ  أَيِّ

F    B    I

And it is the word number 332 in the chapter, so do we have indication for number of days? 
 especially when we have total of 360 words in “The star” chapter?, and we have almost 365 days in the year, and almost 355 days in the Islamic year.

While the day number 332 in 2016 is 28 of November

And we have 28 words after the word  فَبِأَيِّ
until the end of the chapter (28 is number of pairs of chromosomes for the elephant, and the key for this study).

Everywhere in this study I find indications for the smoke and “The smoke” chapter in “Quran”, so are we near of a big natural disaster or a big war? And the time will be only little weeks or little moths or little years?!!

Are the appearance of the antichrist and the return of prophet Jesus (PBUH) became near? Or still there is a time?!!

Let us continue reading “The star” chapter:

53:56 This is a Warner, of the (series of) Warners of old!

53:57 The Approaching Day has approached.

53:58 apart from God none can disclose it.

53:59 Then at this statement do you wonder?

53:60 And you laugh and do not weep

53:61 Wasting your time in vanities?

53:62 So prostrate yourselves before God and worship him.

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